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About Airfunding Closure

Dear Airfunding Users, We're sad to inform you about a difficult decision we have had to make: the closing of the Airfunding crowdfunding platform. Since 2019, we have strived to create a platform that allows people in countries with limited access to crowdfunding to raise funds easily. We started small and grew to provide our service to every country worldwide. Unfortunately, the unstable global situation has affected the viability of our service. Despite our best efforts to find alternative...

Terms of Use

This agreement (the "Agreement") governs the conditions of use for the various services with respect to the internet service "Airfunding" (the "Service") provided by KiHeiTai Co., Ltd (the "Company"). Article 1. Details of the Service - The service (hereinafter "Crowdfunding service") provides a platform where customers can run projects and other users can provide financial support to those projects. Article 2. Definitions - Definitions The words used in this agreement have the definition as...